Why Like Ladders are a Bad Idea.

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If you’ve spent any time in a general Facebook business group, you’ve inevitably come across a thread or two about Like Ladders.

What Exactly is a Like Ladder then?

Like Ladders Lead to Dilution

For the uninitiated, like ladders is a post on Facebook, inviting you to leave a link to your business Facebook page in the comments. The concept is simple: everyone new to the thread is supposed to like the other pages which have posted before posting their own. And through this, you swap likes. It’s the modern-day equivalent of a chain-letter.

What Could Go Wrong?

Sounds harmless enough, doesn’t it? You like a few pages and, hopefully, you get a few hundred in return? And if the thread takes off, you could potentially see hundreds of likes! The rationale behind it is pretty straightforward: More likes equate to more fans, more fans and comments leads to better visibility! Or does it?

Rules of Engagement

See, Facebook has shifted focus from raw numbers to engagement and quality and audiences. Audiences are built around similar likes and profiles. So what happens when you manage to convince 200 people who aren’t actually interested in your product to like your page? That’s right, you’re diluting your core audience. You’re making it harder for Facebook to send you eyeballs which are actually interested in your product or service.

What happens when the individuals who have liked your page unlike your page after? Or simply unsubscribe from your page’s updates? Facebook factors these signals into their algorithm as well.

True Fans ROCK!

Having 1,000 engaged fans is better than 100,000 disinterested followers. (Remember that Instagram “influencer” who couldn’t sell 7 t-shirts with 2 million followers?) Focus on the 1,000 true fans, as Kevin Kelly recommends.

If I can’t climb the Facebook Like Ladder, what should I do?

Imagine you’re introducing yourself in person at a conference and go from there. Include something which makes it personal. It can be a digital graphic which showcases you, the person behind the business. Mention where you’re from, the name of your business and explain what your company does. Get people to engage with your post, and you just may get some genuine likes from an individual who needs your services or product.

People can tell when they are being sold to, and we shut off immediately. (Side note: Gary Vaynerchuk has a book out: Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook ) Interact with people who comment, drop little bites which bring value. The person who was asking a question may not be purchasing from you or engaging you for your services. But someone else who comes along may just think “Hey, this person really knows their stuff. I don’t mind getting them to address my problems.”